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Welcome to the Fassa Valley

Fairytale mountain holidays!

The Fontana Family welcomes you to Vigo di Fassa and to the very modern Wellness&Family Hotel Fontana.

The philosophy of our hotel is based on your satisfaction: year after year we look for innovative solutions so that you can have the mountain holiday of your dreams.

Wellness&Family Hotel Fontana is a comfortable 3 star superior hotel located one kilometre from Vigo di Fassa in the enchanted setting of the Dolomites in Fassa Valley, surrounded by the most famous ski resorts and linked by two private minibuses both free of charge.

The property is located in a peaceful and sunny position in theenchanting town of Vigo di Fassa, 1500 metres ASL, in the heart of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the departure point for some really interesting excursions.

There are 80 rooms, all en-suite with a direct telephone line, safe and satellite TV with Sky.

Wellness&Family Hotel Fontana looks forward to welcoming you for your winter or summer mountain holiday. This is not just a dream, it is real and has been for over sixty years!

Wellness&Family Hotel Fontana has Wireless Internet access. This service is included in the price of the stay.


Book your holiday with us: best price guarantee!

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Arrival date
Departure date

A hotel for children

Free entry to the “Catinaccio” playground, Vigo di Fassa, with free assistance for parents with children aged between 3 and 10 years.

Free entry to the Pra di Tori Ski Slope Park, Passo Carezza, in front of the Savoy Hotel.


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